Why sell your video games to us?

Why should you sell your pre-owned video game products to us? Aren't there a million other better places you could sell them? We don't think so. We think we bring unique solutions to chronic problems that larger companies continuously ignore.

Mounting challenges

Because we started out as a small pre-owned merchant, selling our wares on the internet's many marketpalces, we have first hand knowledge of just how hard it is.

Actually we were amazed that in this modern, technology-can-do-anything age it was so completely, annoyingly difficult for some of the following reasons:

  • Amazon, Walmart, and eBay increase customer support requirements, compliance standards, and fees, while reducing seller support.
  • The major shipping carriers (UPS, FedEx and USPS) increasing shipping rates way more than inflation. Meanwhile they give the "big boys" larger and larger discounts.
  • Governments create more and more regulations for small ecommerce businesses. Such as mandatory sales tax payments to states your business doesn't even operate in.
  • Getting a loan to scale so you can afford to cover all these added costs would be great! However banks remain unwilling to lend money to "pre-owned" merchants.

Complexity and cost keep increasing while access to capital stays low or gets worse. Pre-owned merchants are expected to be at least a 20 person operation, but heaven forbid they get a loan! What's even more amazing is that since we started our business in 2012, it's only gotten worse.

Who is this site for?

Many marketplaces have sky high requirements like having a dedicated seller account manager, customer service rep., quality control specialist, book keeper, commercial warehouse space, etc.

In contrast VGBroker.com is squarely for the all-too-neglected, small, awesome merchants. People that want to own their own business, set their own schedules, and do something awesome, even if they're a company of one!

Another key group is merchants who happen accross a wide assortment of goods and couldn't possibly expected to learn and master every category they encounter. Instead we pay our experts to figure out all the details, and keep the smallest cut possible per unit. Think of it as the "they-figure-it-out-so-I-don't-have-to expert rental plan".

If you're in either one of those camps, then congrats! You've found an ally.


So what's the plan?

Now that we know who this site is for and we've gotten depressed by identifying all these challenges, what exactly does VGBroker.com plan to do about it? We happen to have a secret plan that we think can help.

Pay more. Sell for less.

Okay, so what's this amazing, secret plan?

Invest in a shared infrastructure and then get as many merchants as possible to use it.

We figure if we process enough pre-owned goods from large group of awesome merchants we can use economies of scale to pay more while selling for less.

Yeah it's really that simple.


The snowball effect

Hopefully this creates a self feeding system that only ends with industry wide domination. How so?

First, we start the snow ball rolling by paying more and selling for less:

  • Which attracts more merchants and customers futher increasing economies of scale.
  • Which allows us to pay more and sell for less.
  • Which attracts more merchants and customers futher increasing economies of scale.
  • Which allows us to pay more and sell for less.
  • Repeat infinitely...

You got the idea right? Round and round it goes, hopefully to the moon.

Exactly how are we doing this?

Now that you know our plan, you might be thinking, "That sounds good and all, but how are you going to do all this?" We'll break down just a few actions we've already taken, to help give you a clear understanding. So keep reading to learn more.


Engineered for narrow margins.

VGBroker.com operates on the narrowest margin possible.

How? We locate our warehouses in low-cost areas reducing real estate and payroll overhead, we frequently stress test our operations by selling for less than is required, just to see how low we can go without losing money, and we focus on being cash flow positive in the worst economic conditions, not just normal market conditions.

Why are narrow margins important? If you sell directly to consumers, do you bypass VISA or MasterCard to avoid fees? Nope. Their tiny fees bring way more benefit than cost. Similarly, our goal is to pay such fair prices to our vendors that it makes no sense to bypass us.


Obsessed with efficient manufacturing.

We strive to re-manufacturing goods at the highest quality while maintaining the lowest costs possible. We're constantly hunting for any traces of excess or waste and removing them. We even programmed our own quility / productivity tracking software to ensure maximum quality at the highest possible throughput!

Wherever possible we rely on automation such as roboticic disc refurbishing machines and computer controlled manufacturing equipment.

Why is an ecommerce company so obsessed with manufacturing? Isn't that outside our scope? We don't think so. We feel pre-owned sellers can't just focus on paying the most and selling for the least. They also need amazing quality or no one will want to buy their goods.


Economies of scale: sharing is caring

We share our industry leading economies of scale with our amazing vendors, giving them access to discounts and advantages normally reserved for much larger corporations. The more our vendors sell to us, the more savings we can pass on to them.

Some examples: When we encounter a missing accessory, we deduct the smallest amount possible passing on our bulk discounts. When shipping to and from our warehouse, we allow access to our aggressively negotiated shipping discounts.


Group negotiating power.

We negotiate with and sell to the video game industry's hungriest customers, wherever they may be.

Why are eBay, Amazon, and Walmart becomming more "unfriendly" towards small sellers every year? Do they not want your stuff?

They certainly do. However, as they become more and more massive (literally hundreds of billions in revenue per year) smaller merchants start to seem like tiny specks of dust. Inconsequential and too hard to keep track of.

But you know what? Collect enough specks of dust and you have a planet. Don't be a speck. Join planet VGBroker.com and have the best terms possible negotiated on your behalf.


Accelerated Growth.

We hope finding VGBroker.com will be an instant advantage for you and really accelerate your growth.

Our goal is to reduce duplicate investments in the hundreds of little things pre-owned ecommerce businesses need. We know it adds up.

Instead of re-inventing the wheel, and going it alone, why not consider VGBroker.com? Maybe you can use our shared infrastructure to make more money? You'll never know unless you try.

E-mail us today at sell-my-stuff@vgbroker.com to learn more.